This week Brady started reading The Hunger Games. We started talking about it the other day and Brady said he wishes we had hunger games to go participate in. I got really excited and expressed my ideas a little too quickly.
"Yes! I would kill you so quick!"
Brady looked at me blankly.
"I was going to say I would save you like Peeta saves Katniss!" he said. (and yes, those are their names in case you haven't read. They start to become normal)
Hmmm. I guess that is the more appropriate answer.
But our house has been full of reading lately. Because he was reading them I decided to read the third one finally. I am reminded at how addicting these books are. There is something special about getting lost in a book. Time flies.
Brady has now almost finished all of the books also. Three books in one week for the man who says he doesn't read. We need to find more books like this.