Monday, January 17, 2011

Tonight at work the boy I tutor (or as my niece Lucy calls it, I "toot"-er, with bellows of laughters after it is said) kept commenting about his stomach hurting.  We kept working.  If this seems harsh, background information is needed to know that the boy has used being sick in the past to get out of working.  He knows it works.  Well, I wasn't going to let it tonight, so we kept working.  While playing imaginex city (working on his imaginative play of course, not just playing...) he lay on the carpet with his arms spread out.  But when I'd get up to take notes, he'd pull out his brother's cell phone and start playing another game.  Ya, definitely not sick...I thought, maybe a stomach ache.  A little while later I ask him to describe his stomach pain...

"Is it like someone is twisting your stomach in a knot?"  Or are you nauseous..." seeing the blank look on his face, "and you feel like you are going to throw up?"

"I feel 'nusase'", he said.

So we go up stairs to maybe get him a drink and tell his mom when before either of us realize what is happening, his dinner is spread out on the carpet.  ugh.  And his mom isn't home.

Tonight I am grateful for health. 

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