Monday, January 10, 2011

We Return

Just when I had forgotten about blogging, not even feeling guilty for not doing it anymore, it was assigned to me in class last week.  For this next semester, I am supposed to blog every week... Don't get me wrong, I used to love to spill my thoughts out onto my keyboard, but now I spill them to Brady and they just get stored as memories.  But now, I have an excuse.  I will blog.

This is our last semester at BYU, and it is surreal.  When we get chilled from the snow and ice outside, we look on our phones and see that it is 73 degrees in Houston and feel warm if only for a brief moment.  Our daily life is no longer stuck in the drudgery of Provo, but we now look forward to where we will be spending the next journey of our lives: Houston, where the dear husband begins medical school this fall.  While he applies for housing and financial aid, I am applying to do an internship at TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital in the rehabilitation center. 

So our last semester.  Working, studying, preparing for change, and playing through it all. This should be a good time to pick up the blogging again.  We'll have lots of memories to keep and stories to tell.  So here goes...

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